Spiritual Guidance is personalized support to bring real transformation and healing into your life, awaken the Divine within, and reclaim your power.

Spiritual Guidance Sessions

In Spiritual Guidance Sessions you will be heard, seen, and honored. I will listen to your story and witness your joys and your grief. Using guiding questions, a variety of tools, and sacred listening, I will help you discover what you need in order to feel more grounded, more connected to your body, more aligned with your unique gifts that you have to offer the world, a sense of belonging, and a deeper connection to god, or spirit, or your own inner guide.

Contact Rev. Deshna.

For a Free 30 minute consultation.

Spiritual Guidance to Awaken the Divine Within

Let us infuse our bones with the marrow of ritual, magick and spirit.

Let us walk differently in this world. Let us reframe and retell the stories of the women of the past. The Divine Feminine is the wise presence within and exists in both male, female and other gendered bodies. By awakening the Divine Feminine, we are calling forth the Witch to come out and play. She is a wild human who has embraced nature's spiral dance. She is brave, she is a healer, she is intuitive, she is a seer and she converses and dances with the Earth. The Witch finds the mystical in the mundane. She finds the light in the darkness, the beauty in the carnage. She is fearlessly authentic.

She is spiritually autonomous.

You need not relinquish any part of your belief system you hold as true. Witchcraft is flexible and adaptable. It is pan-gender. Its source is from within, not without. You can choose to awaken the Divine feminine, the Wild woman, the Witch within you at any time. You have the choice. No one can bestow this power upon you. You must only remember your power. Let us plan the festival of our homecoming and invite the Wolf Women within to Rise. 

Group Sessions

Working in a group can be a powerful way to be seen and supported. I offer 5 and 7 week group sessions. Some topics include: Grief, Self-Empowerment, Soul-Mission, Healing Ancestral Wounds, Awakening the Sacred Masculine and Feminine, The Awakened Teen, and More. See the above information for more details on my approach. Click here for upcoming courses and specific details.

Awaken the Divine within


What are Spiritual Guidance Sessions Like?

“Spirituality” basically means the belief in the existence of more than just the material. Being spiritual means that we become attuned to our inner world, our compassion, our empathy and our desire for a more connected humanity. 

As we become more attuned to our inner world, we are able to both resist the constant pressure our culture exerts to value what lies outside of us, to understand our patterns and our wounds. The more often we go within and the more self-aware we become we find a place of refuge within our own selves. 

Awakening our spiritual nature deepens our sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. We search for deeper meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness.

In Spiritual Guidance Sessions you will be heard, seen, and honored. I will listen to your story and witness your joys and your grief. Using guiding questions, I will help you discover what you need in order to feel more grounded, more connected to your body, more aligned with your unique gifts that you have to offer the world, a sense of belonging, and a deeper connection to god, or spirit, or your own inner guide. 

Occasionally we will pause so you can notice what’s going on in your body. And this way we can get below to the root of the emotion rather than the egos storytelling that’s derived from the deeper emotion. Once you’re able to connect to the root of your suffering and to notice what happens in your body you will learn to pause and shift unhealthy patterns and reactions.

We will also use affirmations, movement, guided meditation, and rituals to release and shift energy. We will discuss things like your childhood development, your family systems, your ancestry lines, as well as trauma and wounding that you may have experienced in your life.  We will look at your daily habits, your diet, your physical activity, your mental well-being, and your core beliefs. Together we will find the simple and practical tools needed to bring you healing, self-empowerment, healthy boundaries, self knowledge, and a sense of wholeness. With time, there can be a transcendence of your early childhood programming. The result of Spiritual Guidance Sessions can be full transformation. 

I welcome all beliefs. One need not believe in God in order to have questions that scientific materialism cannot answer. Spiritual care sessions are generally around one hour long and they are unique to the person I am working with. Some people may need to get out of their head more and into their body. Some people may need to release energy that’s held in their body and we can use the mind to do so. For others it will be more a matter of learning new tools as the ones that they have been using have not been working. And for some there will be more storytelling and sharing in order to understand the patterns, beliefs and reactions that are causing suffering or discomfort. I will likely ask you to do a little bit of homework. This could be things like more research into your ancestral lines, a simple meditation practice, a specific daily ritual that we create together, journaling, or daily movement. 

Spiritual Guidance Sessions can be done in person or online via Zoom.

If you have further questions give me a call for a free consultation.

Death and rebirth are painful and frightening.

It feels as though the ground beneath us may fall away at anytime and we do not know where we will land. And yet, we each long to be whole in body, mind and Spirit. This is the hard work we are all doing here. This is the icky-yucky-murky-scary-pull-out your deepest, darkest selves- and look at it in the mirror – kind of work. This is about learning to see our darkness along side the perfection, the beauty, and the light and integrating those into radical self love. This is about becoming radically authentic beings.

“But, how?”

Our Divine soul knows. 

REMEMBER who we are. We are the Divine manifest. We are Wild. We are of this Earth and we will return to this earth. We are limitless, untamed, and ancient.